Posted by: boromax | March 8, 2021


Ah, the miracle of scents and smells…

our corporeal early warning system

that links directly to our memory centers

A simple, even subtle smell

can instantly transport us

to a long ago event

It may cause a smile

a warm heart

a twinkle in the eye

or a grimace

a turn in the stomach

a growl in the throat

Certain scents will make you hungry

make you salivate

or make you retch

We will call some fragrances our favorites

others we will avoid avidly

Even some everyday smells

are those which

must not be named

or mentioned in polite company

Today, stop

and smell

all the smells

Be grateful

for the miracles of scents and smells


  1. such a good poem, Ed; the madeleine moments memorialized in Proust; I like the simplicity, the transparency of your poem , Ed, and that wonderful phrase: ‘smells that must not be named in polite company’ šŸ™‚

    • Thank you so much, John. Ha! ‘madeleine moments’! That passage from Proust in itself is a madeleine moment. Gives me goosebumps every time.

      • it is one of the iconic passages in literature, Ed; oh, if only we could write a passage equal to that šŸ™‚

    • Madeleine? ….Sheesh John you make me sound uncultured….All I can manage is ‘Mary Mary quite contrary.’….

      • you gotta start somewhere, Don; at least you’re building on strong foundations šŸ™‚

      • Thanks…what was it? Mary Mary quite….or was it Mary hadda?…..I get these two mixed..onward and upward as Madeleine would say… wot?

  2. Yes. If only.

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