
A lifetime of looking at, loving, and listening to every kind of music has led me to a musical information critical mass event. I must access the relief valve and let some of the pent up music trivia find its way to fresh air and freedom. That is why you are here. To breathe in the rare atmosphere of escaping music stuff and nonsense. Enjoy yourself. Seriously. I want you to, and you know you want to. So, just give in and let it happen. Full disclosure: this stuff is stubbornly sticky. Once you are exposed to it, it will never depart from your brainpan. OK. Go for it.


  1. Hi! I just wanted to drop you a quick line and thank you for your reading and interest lately in my blog “Dancing on Frozen Beaver Ponds”. Sorry that you keep visiting a seemingly abandoned home. Every now and then I step away from WordPress and never know when I might return. When I’m back again, I look forward to returning the kindness and visiting your fine blog. Thanks again, and all the bests – Chris

    • No worries, Chris. I am in the midst of trying to catch up on several months worth of missed notifications, your among them. I am presently still in April 2023. I am enjoying reading your poetry. Bests to you, too! ~Ed.

  2. […] something which is a real rarity for me. The song was suggested by Ed, aka Boromax, who blogs at Trivial Music Silliness and is always an entertaining read. I must have received around twenty suggestions after last […]

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